Friday, August 15, 2008

Cereal On the Go

Cereal On the Go is a product of Cool Gear International. This product looks like a stylish thermos but it actually is made up of two sections. The top section is a 12 oz. bowl that holds your dry cereal. Once you unscrew the lower section you will find a 5.7 oz milk container. This container is surrounded by a gel which keeps your milk cool. Cereal on the Go even comes with a fold out spoon. Cereal on the Go sells for $5.99 at Cool Gear Internationale's web site and comes in the colors blue, pink, orange and lime green.

Cereal on the Go has its positives and its negatives. Cereal on the Go is perfect for the Cereal Lover if they are taking their cereal to work with them and has time to sit down and consume their cereal. A negative to this idea is the fact that most people who want their "cereal on the go" may want to eat it in the car. In an interview with Ms. Gresham (another person who has not bought the product), she believes that, "if you really want your cereal on the go, you can just put the cereal in a large cup, pour the milk in and just drink it as you drive. Ms. Gresham has been in 3 wrecks involving things that do not move (tree, fence, stop sign) so Living on Cereal does not recommend driving with your face in a cup of cereal. Once you come to a complete stop though this can be done. If you plan on driving a long distance without stopping you may want to look into purchasing an EatmeCruchy Cup.

The thought of being able to bring your cereal to work without looking foolish by carrying an entire box of cereal with you (Ms. Angie Sams) is a great idea. Therefore, Living on Cereal endorses this product if you have $5.99 to spend. Though the 12 oz. bowl is a little small for me; it is perfect for the individual who is looking to stretch their last box of cereal. Living on Cereal believes this would be a great gift for a co-worker, especially if they are your sister-n-law and you are tired of seeing them with that huge box of shredded wheat and eating it out of a Styrofoam cup. However, I do not recommend buying this as a gift for your wife's birthday.

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